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New York

News Digital Ventures
(The News Corporation, LTD.)
New York

Type of companies interested in investing in:
Internet and wireless distribution, technology and content companies, with particular focus on entertainment, healthcare, education. In general, however, we are interested in looking at any company which can demonstrably benefit from the marketing power of News Corp's traditional media platforms.

Range of investment in U.S. dollars: US$3 million +
Geographical Area of Interest (i.e. Beijing, Shanghai,Taiwan, Greater China etc.): U.S. and Asia

TEL : (212) 462 5294
FAX : (212) 462 6955

CONTACT: Dan Goldman

San Francisco

Walden International Investment

Suite 700, 750 Battery Street
San Francisco, CA 94111

361 Lytton Ave., 2/F.,
Palo Alto, CA 94301

TEL : (415) 391 7225
FAX : (415) 391 7262

TEL : (650) 330 3500
FAX : (650) 330 3535

If you are a venture capital firm, YOUR COMPANY'S NAME should be here! For listing detail, please send an email to [email protected].

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