China Merchants China Direct Investments Limited
(Incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability)

Corporate Information       

Company Name China Merchants China Direct Investments Limited
Head Office and Principal Place of Business 1609 Three Pacific Place
1 Queen's Road East
Hong Kong
Sector Investment
Web Site Address
Phone Number (852) 2858 9089
Fax Number (852) 2858 8455
Email Address [email protected]
Financial Year End December 31
Board of Directors Mr. ZHOU Xing* (Chairman)
Mr. ZHANG Rizhong*
Mr. WANG Xiaoding#
Ms. KAN Ka Yee, Elizabeth#
Mr. KE Shifeng*
Mr. TSE Yue Kit*
Mr. TSANG Wah Kwong**
Dr. LI Fang**
Dr. GONG Shaolin**
Mr. Michael Charles VITERI**
Mr. ZHU Qi**

# Executive Directors
* Non-executive Directors
** Independent Non-executive Directors
Company Secretary Mr. LEUNG Chong Shun
Investment Manager China Merchants China Investment Management Limited
1604-09 Three Pacific Place
1 Queen's Road East
Hong Kong
Principal Bankers Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia) Limited
China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd.
Auditor KPMG
Registered Public Interest Entity Auditor
8th Floor, Prince Building
10 Chater Road
Hong Kong
Legal Advisers Herbert Smith Freehills
Victor Chu & Co
Woo Kwan Lee & Lo
Share Registrar Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited
Shops 1712-1716
17th Floor Hopewell Centre
183 Queen's Road East
Wan Chai
Hong Kong
HKEX Stock Code 133
Listing Date 22 July 1993

updated 10th September, 2024

  • Company's Index

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