China Communications Services Corporation Limited
(a joint stock company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability)

Environmental, Social & Governance Report       

This report is prepared pursuant to the Environmental, Social and Governance ("ESG") Reporting Guide (the "Guide") in Appendix 27 to the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities (the "Listing Rules") on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the "Stock Exchange"). This report covered the period from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022, and the relevant key performance indicators were mainly from the Group and most of its subsidiaries. There is no significant change in the scope of this report from that of the 2021 ESG Report. This report has complied with all the "comply or explain" provisions as set out in the Guide. We did not disclose certain key performance indicators which are required to be disclosed by the Stock Exchange but not directly related to the business of the Group or have minimal influence.

Philosophy of Environmental, Social and Governance

As a leading service provider in the informatization sector in the PRC, the Group adheres to its position as a "New Generation Integrated Smart Service Provider" and commits to "Building Smart Society, Boosting Digital Economy, Serving a Good Life", providing integrated comprehensive smart solutions in the informatization and digitalization sectors.

Sustainable Development

The Group places a strong emphasis on the concept of scientific development, actively responds to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) initiative and adheres to the sustainable development principle of "customer prioritization, efficient resources allocation, talent orientation, and responsibility". On the back of our fundamental missions of serving our customers, bringing returns to our shareholders, caring about our employees and giving back to society, we are committed to providing innovative, high-quality, efficient and secure integrated services including telecommunications infrastructure services, business process outsourcing services, applications, content and other services, while delivering value to our customers and the society, promoting healthy and sustainable development of itself, and aligning our corporate development with society and environment.

Board Statement
The Board of Directors (the "Board") of China Communications Services Corporation Limited (the "Company") is the highest responsible and decision-making body for ESG governance and has overall responsibility for environmental, social and governance work. The Board meets annually to review and approve the publication of this report (including the review of the progress on ESG-related goals). The Company's management is authorized to be responsible for the implementation of specific ESG works of the Group (including stakeholders identification and communication). At the same time, the Board reviewed the potential risks and opportunities of ESG issues on the Company's overall strategy and the results of the materiality assessment of ESG issues.

The Audit Committee of the Board of the Company is responsible for assisting the oversight of ESG issues and is continuously enhancing the requirements of internal control processes for ESG risk identification. The management of the Company formulates relevant internal control processes in accordance with the requirements of the Audit Committee of the Board to ensure the effective control of ESG risks by the Company's risk management and internal control system.

ESG Governance Structure

Communication with Stakeholders

The Group pays attention to the common interests of stakeholders, including the government and regulatory authorities, shareholders and investors, employees, suppliers, customers and communities. It attaches great importance to the communication with them. Through announcements, regular reports, meetings, talks, visits, special communications and events, the Group collates and actively responds to the views and suggestions of all parties to promote innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared corporate development.

Material Topic Identification

With regard to the 12 ESG issues set out in the Guide, the Group took into consideration the characteristics of its business and the industry in which it operates to conduct investor meetings so as to understand the concerns of external stakeholders such as shareholders, investors and the capital market. It actively participated in questionnaire surveys conducted by ESG rating agencies to comprehensively analyse the concerns of stakeholders. At the same time, in combination with the Company's strategies, the Group interviewed its internal employees and conducted research on the issues related to sustainable development. Together with the results of internal and external analysis, it identified several material topics and specifically disclosed and analysed them in this ESG report. These topics included "Environmental Protection and Climate Change", "Human Resources Management", "Development and Training", "Health and Safety", "Supply Chain Management", etc. Details of which are discussed in this report.

Environmental Protection and Climate Change

Human Resources Management

Operational Management

Community Participation

updated 24th April, 2023

  • Company's Index

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